Netflix is bringing ‘Sleep Timer’ feature
Home » Netflix is bringing ‘Sleep Timer’ feature

Netflix is bringing ‘Sleep Timer’ feature

Netflix is ​​introducing a new feature called ‘Slip Timer’ for Android smartphone users. The feature allows customers to set how long they stay on Netflix.

In this case, the time can be set at 15, 30 and 45 minutes or until the end of what the customer is watching. The Netflix app will be closed after a certain period of time. As a result, the battery charge will be saved and there will be no auto-play problem. For now, it is planned to bring the feature only for Android devices, but if the test is successful, the feature will be brought for other devices (including TV and desktop).

A Netflix spokesperson said the initial work on the feature is underway. The feature will be spread worldwide if it is appreciated by the users. Adults will be able to use the feature at an early stage, and children will be able to use the feature later.

The ‘sleep timer’ feature is nothing new in the world of technology. The feature is used in several apps such as Spotify, Pocket Casts and Pandora.

Zaraki Kenpachi