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What You Require to Know About Using Birth Control To Address PMDD

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is an extreme premenstrual syndrome (PMS) type. If you have PMDD, you will most likely experience emotional and physical symptoms a week or two before your period begins. This chronic (ongoing) ailment is severe enough to interfere with routine activities and everyday living. Also, you can manage PMDD with medication and lifestyle adjustments. Based on the severity of your symptoms, a physician may recommend hormonal birth control tablets, often called oral contraceptives. Forest Hills birth control medications impact your hormone levels and can alleviate specific PMDD symptoms. Although the FDA has only authorized one type of birth control pill to treat PMDD, your doctor may explore alternative types of birth control pills with you.

An overview of PMDD

Source: share.upmc.com

While moderate PMS affects over 75% of women, PMDD is a severe and relatively rare type of PMS. PMS can cause various physical or emotional symptoms seven to 10 days before your monthly menstrual cycle begins. The more severe PMDD is a disorder that has a negative impact on the psychological well-being, social interactions, and relationships of around 3% to 8% of reproductive-age women. Its main characteristics are rage, impatience, and anxiousness. Hormonal birth control techniques, such as extended-cycle tablets, have been demonstrated to provide some relief and may be an effective therapy for both PMS and PMDD.

The connection between hormonal contraception and PMDD

Hormonal contraception, such as the Pill, is a standard method for many women; nevertheless, women who use this kind of birth control may be unaware of its non-contraceptive advantages. Various hormonal contraceptives have been demonstrated to reduce PMDD symptoms and give some PMS relief. Additionally, remember that the primary reason for using hormonal birth control is contraception (to prevent an unintended pregnancy).

Difference between PMDD and PMS

Source: medicalxpress.com

PMDD is a more chronic variant of PMS and is often classified as an endocrine condition. They are both similar in terms of suffering hormone-related indicators in physical and emotional forms. This usually occurs during the premenstrual phase, seven to ten days before your period, and lasts for the initial few days of the period. While most women (and significant others or partners who have to suffer the brunt of PMS every month) would recognize this, there is a considerable distinction between PMS and PMDD.

PMDD can be so severe that mood swings interrupt everyday living and damage relationships. PMDD can also cause occupational disability in some circumstances and difficulties with interpersonal functioning and sustaining social relationships. This might allude to frequent outbursts against loved ones or an inability to manage the disturbing symptoms at work, resulting in the need for medical leave.

PMDD is a significant chronic illness that may necessitate medical intervention. PMDD is not the same as PMS or other mood disorders. Make an appointment with a healthcare practitioner if you suspect you have PMDD symptoms. They can diagnose your problem and assist you in developing a treatment strategy. Additionally, if you experience PMDD symptoms and require contraception, birth control tablets may be a viable alternative. They also have certain advantages over other PMDD therapies. Call Raveco Medical or book your consultation online to determine if birth control therapy is best for addressing your PMDD.

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