Home » How Old You Would Be On Different Planets In Our Solar System

How Old You Would Be On Different Planets In Our Solar System

While we’ve gotten used to our 24 hour days and 365 day years, considering Earth is the only planet we live on right now, not all planets in the universe enjoy the same type of passage of time as Earth does. Each and every planet has a different length to its days and its years. Thus, your age would vary greatly if you were on other planets. Or rather, the change in the length of days and years would make you potentially far older or younger. While it’s an interesting tidbit of information, we can also use it further to calculate our otherworldly age. Although it has no practical use it’s simply fun to do.

Why do planets have different lengths of days and years?

Source: livescience.com

The concept of a day encompasses the time that Earth takes to spin around its axis, while the concept of a year refers to the length of time a planet needs to revolve around the Sun. It’s in these definitions that differences crop up. The rotation of a planet around its axis is something that has no causes which can be altered to change it up. There aren’t any currently present effects that affect the planet’s rotational speed.

However, there are some ancient causes that still have a hold over the length of days on different planets. These being original materials the planets were made out of. The initial materials and their state upon joining into the masses that would later become planets are the key when it comes to establishing a planet’s day. It’s usually the density and type of material that makes up the composition of the planet that affects it. That’s why, despite being the largest planet in our system, Jupiter has days that are far shorter than those on earth.

The difference in length of years is completely unrelated to the length of days when it comes to their causes though. The length of a year depends on the planet’s distance from the Sun. That’s why the closest planet to the Sun, Mercury, finishes its rotation in only 88 days. On the opposite side of the spectrum and solar system, we have Pluto. This extremely distant planet takes 248 years to finish its revolution around the Sun. The contrast between the two is extremely huge as you can see. Even the closer planets expect these extreme jumps. That’s why your age could be extremely different depending on the planet. In fact, if you were to go by the Plutonian calendar, no person ever on Earth would be even a year old. Even the oldest person that ever lived wouldn’t reach half a year old, as the longest recorded human lifespan is 122 years.

Calculating your age on other planets

Source: timesnownews.com

There are multiple ways you can go about calculating your age on other planets. The most obvious and elementary one would be to calculate all the days you’ve lived on this planet as well as all the years you lived and converting them through appropriate lengths. This will give you two different ages. The first one will be in your days while the other would be in years.

For example, a day on Jupiter pasts 10 hours which means that your conversion would need to count each Earth day as 2.4 Jovian days. That would be vastly different from not only your days on Earth but the years you lived on Jupiter too. After all, Jupiter takes almost 12 years to revolve around the Sun. That means even somebody in their 50s in Earth years would be less than 5 years old in Jupiter years.

If the manual calculation isn’t your style or the whole friend group wants to partake in this fun bit of info without doing math, try out age.ninja. Not only does this age calculator allow you to determine some interesting variations to your days of birth. It also supports most of the present planets when it comes to its calculations. You can pick from Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

After making a choice, enter your information and determine your otherworldly birthday. It’s a fun practice overall and could even spark you to try out some other similar experiences.

A useful bit of information for creative

Source: space.com

Those who write or create any other sort of art may find this little tidbit useful when creating their own worlds or even utilize the already known worlds in their works. With the added calculations of age and the difference between other planets and Earth in that regard, you could bolster your creative juices into something even more unique. It bears mentioning that the calculator or manual method can come in handy here too, as you shorten some more cumbersome parts of the writing process by using these bits of information.

Of course, the remaining calculators may serve a similar purpose. Play around with them and find what you can think up. After all, creativity and its inspiration can come from just about anything so it’s always nice to try out new things.


Each and every planet in our solar system has a different way of calculating days. These can be close to Earth in terms of duration or incredibly far from it. The same goes for years, a single Earth year could be not even half of a year of another planet. It’s incredible just how huge these gaps can be but it’s also interesting to consider our age on different planets.

Even a young adult could reach nearly a century of age on some of these planets, causing a lot of interesting ideas and considerations in this sphere. With the use of simple math or special calculators we can even calculate our age on these far away worlds. While it is an engaging little tidbit of knowledge it can also be a fun creative exercise especially when creating new worlds or something of that kind. That’s why we suggest you take the time to check it out and have some fun with your friends with it. If nothing, we hope the fun facts found in this article were engaging enough to read.

Nina Smith