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What is Oral Appliance Therapy?

Oral appliance therapy is a type of treatment for snoring and sleep apnea. Pauses in breathing during sleep characterize these conditions. Oral appliances are devices placed in the mouth to prevent snoring and apneas. Sleep apnea occurs when your breathing becomes temporarily interrupted during sleep. When this happens, the airway collapses, and you wake up gasping. This can happen hundreds of times a night, causing interruptions in breathing and making it hard to get enough oxygen throughout the night. Snoring is another sign of sleep apnea. It occurs when air passages become blocked or blocked at an angle during sleep, causing loud noises that can be heard by others in the room. This is where Austin oral appliance therapy comes in.

What are oral appliances?

Source: nomoresnoring.com

Oral appliances are dental appliances worn in the mouth during sleep to help prevent obstructive events, such as loud snoring and gasping, from disrupting your sleep. These appliances are custom-made for each patient and come in many different styles and sizes.

The oral appliance therapy process starts with a consultation with a specialist who will discuss your symptoms and medical history. You may also need an overnight sleep study to determine if there is any underlying medical condition causing your apnea or other sleep disorders.

During this evaluation, the doctor will determine what type of oral appliance is best for you based on your specific needs and goals for treatment. You may need to wear several different types at different times throughout the day, depending on what works best for you.

What are the benefits of oral appliance therapy?

Treats OSA and improves breathing during sleep

Oral appliance therapy is a device that helps to maintain normal airway pressure and breathing during sleep. It is used by patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) who stop breathing for at least 10 seconds while sleeping. The device also helps improve their ability to breathe during the day. The good news is that with proper use of an oral appliance, most people will no longer have to take continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines or devices that help provide continuous positive airway pressure support when they sleep.

Treats snoring and other oral problems

Source: kingstownedentistry.com

In addition to treating obstructive sleep apnea, oral appliances help reduce snoring and other mouth problems associated with OSA. These problems include:

  • Chronic sore throats
  • Bad breath
  • Badly fitting dentures

Decreases stress and improve mood

In addition to its impact on sleep, OSA can be stressful for many people. The constant presence of dry air in their throat can make them feel anxious and irritable; this can even impact their ability to concentrate at work or school. Oral appliance therapy allows for the gentle expansion of the throat’s soft tissues, which helps avoid dryness during sleep by increasing saliva production. This reduces stress levels and improves moods over time.

Reduces the impact of bruxism (grinding or clenching)

Bruxism is a common condition that causes jaw pain and can lead to TMJ problems or tooth damage. Oral appliances can help reduce the severity of bruxism by providing support for your jaws while you sleep.

If you are stuck between various treatment options for insomnia, it is time to consult an expert. They will be happy to tell you about the upsides of oral appliance therapy, present their findings from the diagnostic exam, and recommend the best course of treatment for you. Sleep Cycle Center oral appliance therapy is an excellent alternative to CPAP therapy. It effectively treats milder cases of sleep apnea, especially with improved designs that make them more comfortable and versatile.

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