Tips For Better Sleep
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Tips For Better Sleep

1. Make Your Bedroom Dark and Comfortable

The darker your room, the better your sleep is going to be. But Why? The idea behind this is to improve the production of Melatonin (a sleep-causing hormone). As such, if the street light is keeping you awake or penetrating your bedroom, you should consider investing in good-quality blackout curtains or blinds. Light interferes with the production of Melatonin.

Furthermore, consider eliminating any device that may produce light, such as nightlights, digital clocks, Mobile phones, and even TV. You may wear an eye sleeping mask if there is a need. In a nutshell, anytime you wish to sleep, consider making the room dark.

Your bedroom should be a haven for sleep, your mattress needs to be supportive read this Simba mattress hybrid comparison to find the ideal mattress for you.

2. Exercises or Physical Activity

The more you use up energy, the more tired you will feel, which also translates to quality sleep. The idea behind this tip is to make use of body energy, which will make you physically tired. Therefore, if you do not love exercising, you should consider physical activities such as dancing, gardening, cycling, walking, or any physical activity.

Exercises or physical activity will help you reach the restorative phase of sleep (this is what is known as deep sleep). In fact, this technique is recommended for those suffering from a sleep disorder such as insomnia.

3. Healthy Meal And Meal Time

First, it is not wise to eat and then go to bed immediately. That is because the stomach will begin to digest the meal immediately.  You will find yourself tossing about on your bed. It is wise to eat a big meal at midday and a lighter meal in the evening. If you must eat a heavy meal in the evening, you should take it at least 3 hours before bedtime.

On the other hand, you are what you eat. What does this mean? Well, if you eat sugary and fatty meals and drink caffeinated drinks all through the day, you will find it difficult to sleep or experience poor quality sleep.

4. Avoid Alcohol And Caffeine Before Bed

Any drink known to keep your energy levels high is not good before bed. They are recipes for poor sleep. Rather than taking caffeinated drinks like black tea or coffee, consider taking warm milk or chamomile.

On the other hand, if you are one of those who think that taking alcohol help with sleep quality, think again. Although alcohol has a sleepy effect, research shows that drinking alcohol before bed will stimulate you more than it will during the day. It also reduces the time for deep sleep. In a nutshell, you will benefit less from your sleep.

5. Avoids Screens Before Sleeping

We are all guilty of looking straight on our mobile phones before sleep. In fact, many of us use this time to go through our social media accounts, research what is happening, and so on. What we do not know is that these devices produce blue light. This light mimics sunlight, which means it affects the production of melatonin. As such, people find it difficult to fall asleep.

Although, the good news is that there are options to negate this problem. With mobile phones, a person can download an app that will filter the blue light. In TVs, many manufactures are now including a setting that eliminates blue light.  Nevertheless, the best option is to avoid all of them.

6. Noise Reduction

Noise can affect a person’s sleep. This can be from a snoring partner or noisy neighbor. The best solution to this problem is finding ways to reduce noise like earplugs. The other option is investing in items that can absorb noise, such as carpets, cushions, and chairs will help. If all this does not work, consider soundproofing.

Zaraki Kenpachi