What Makes Strong Bones and Teeth
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What Makes Strong Bones and Teeth?

Did you know that about 200 million people are estimated to be suffering from osteoporosis, or weak and fragile bones? In fact, one in three women suffers a bone fracture related to weak bones in their lifetime.

These statistics should underscore the need to be proactive about bone health. While our bones naturally weaken as we age, you can promote strong bones and teeth through a few simple lifestyle changes.

If you’re looking for tips for how to make your bones and teeth strong and durable, read on. We’ll discuss the best ways to maintain bone strength for the rest of your life!

Vitamins for Bones and Teeth

A healthy diet is the key to maintaining a healthy body. You might also have to supplement your diet with a few specific vitamins for your bones and teeth. Many supplements have several of these vitamins together for bone health targeted pills.

Calcium and Vitamin D

Everyone knows that calcium makes for strong bones. It’s why we all had to drink milk growing up. But, many people stop focusing on calcium after they finish growing because they assume that their bones have finished developing.

However, bones are constantly breaking down and rebuilding! Keeping up high levels of calcium can help your bones stay strong even after childhood.

Calcium is also vital for how to make your teeth stronger. This mineral provides structural support and keeps your teeth strong by hardening your enamel and strengthening your jawbone.

Many milk products already come with a combination of calcium and vitamin D. You might have wondered before, “What does vitamin D do?” Vitamin D helps you absorb calcium!

Without vitamin D, you might not be able to absorb calcium, and your teeth and bones will be weaker as a result.

Potassium and Magnesium

Potassium and magnesium work together to keep your blood from turning too acidic. If your blood is too acidic, it can break down calcium in your bones and teeth, weakening them.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K blocks substances that break down tooth and bone structure. It also helps you produce proteins that support your bone strength. Keeping your vitamin K levels up prevents damage to your bones!

Vitamin C and Vitamin A

Both vitamin C and vitamin A help your tooth health by strengthening your gums and soft membranes in your mouth. Vitamin C strengthens the gums, while vitamin A helps the gums heal quickly.

Both work together to prevent gum disease, which can cause your teeth to loosen. Take both to have strong teeth!

Regular Exercise

You’re probably aware that exercise is great for your muscular health. But, it’s also important for your bones! Bone is similar to muscle in that it responds to regular use through exercise.

It’s been proven that people who exercise regularly achieve greater bone mass, density, and strength than those who do not. After 30, we all begin to lose bone mass. It’s important to maintain regular exercise to keep both muscles and bones strong and healthy.

Weight-bearing and resistance exercises are the best way to build bone density. Some examples are walking, hiking, dancing, and lifting weights.

Be Proactive About Your Bone Health Today!

Now you should have a better sense of how to take care of your bones and teeth. Your skeleton supports you every day, and your teeth make it possible for you to eat your favorite foods. Return the favor by working on your bone and tooth health!

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Zaraki Kenpachi