Home » 6 Signs of Pelvic Pain You Should Not Ignore

6 Signs of Pelvic Pain You Should Not Ignore

Pain is one of the least things you could ever dream of due to the devastation and interruption it brings to your overall well-being. For instance, women who have experienced pelvic pain at some point have reported worrying consequences, including discomfort in the lower back and pain during sex. If you are a candidate struggling with pelvic pain, worry no more because Laurel physician assistant can assist you. Since the signs and symptoms can be several, let’s discuss 6 signs of pelvic pain you should not ignore.

Menstrual Cramps and Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Source: womenshealth.gov

Sometimes you can experience these cramps in your back or lower belly lasting for about 1 to 3 days. Usually, the uterus creates a tissue lining per month that facilitates the embryo to grow or implant. Whenever you fail to conceive, the lining can break where it sheds during the monthly period. Once the uterus tightens, it pushes the lining out, leading to painful cramps.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

In most cases, pelvic pain is a warning sign of certain STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea. Both problems occur at the same time, whereby they do not cause symptoms. However, when they show symptoms, there are high chances of experiencing pain when you pee, abnormal vaginal discharge, and bleeding between periods. It is essential to ensure your partner is checked and treated to prevent transmitting the infection back and forth.

Ovarian Cysts

When you ovulate, your ovaries release eggs. Unfortunately, the follicle may sometimes fail to open to release an egg, or it closes down after it does and swells with fluid. If this occurs, you can experience harmless ovarian cysts that disappear on their own. There are instances where it may lead to pressure, swelling, pelvic pain, and bloating.


Source: healthdirect.gov.au

Some women experience the growth of tissue outside the uterus that resembles the tissue lining the uterus. It may occur in the ovaries, intestines, bladder, and fallopian tubes. During the menstrual period, the clumps of tissue break down with no way to leave the body. Although this issue is not dangerous, it may cause pain and develop scar tissue, making it hard to be pregnant. Luckily, there are several medications you can choose from pain medication, surgery, and control pills.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are globs of minerals and salt your body aims to eliminate when urinating. Sometimes they can be tiny, like sand grain, or large as a golf ball. They cause pain where your urine may turn red or pink from blood. If you have a kidney stone, it is important to contact your healthcare provider, as they can help you with effective pain medications.

Interstitial Cystitis (IC)

The condition leads to ongoing pain and is linked to bladder inflammation. In most instances, it is more prevalent in women from their 30s to 40s. However, doctors are yet to discover why this trend happens. If you have a serious IC, you will pee numerous times per hour. Besides, you may also experience pain above the pubic region, during sex, and when urinating. Even though it may be long-term, there are mechanisms your doctor can utilize to minimize symptoms and avoid flares.

Pelvic pain can cause devastating consequences if undiagnosed and treated early. If you have been looking for treatment without success, worry no more. Capital Women’s Care in Laurel, Washington DC, has been offering comprehensive women’s care for more than 30 years. The center’s practitioners are passionate and determined to offer excellent care in their serene and calming environment. To get started, call or book an appointment online today.

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