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Easy tips to learn vocabulary

Wouldn’t you like to learn the memory experts’ tricks to double and even triple your memorization speed?

You have already seen the achievements of people who can memorize enormous amounts of information, or you admire those polyglots who speak more than ten languages ​​fluently. Do you think that this is not made for you just because memory is not your strong suit? But before going into the techniques and some amazing tricks on learning 6th grade spelling, you need to understand why these techniques work.

How does our memory work?

Do not be sad! Although some find the subject exciting, no need to go into detail, not even to make some simplifications.  Think about it a bit. Our brain is made up of an immense network of neurons. Hundreds of billions of cells! Neurons are capable of transmitting electrical and chemical signals to each other. Each of our neurons is capable of connecting to as many tens of thousands of other neurons. It exceeds the size and importance of the most potent computers or the number of devices connected to the Internet. And yes, it isn’t easy to get an idea of ​​such amounts, but all that is really inside our heads.

So there is no reason to think that there is no room in your brain to learn a language or that you are no longer old enough to remember. Tell it to polyglots of all ages who speak more than ten languages ​​and regularly learn new ones.

How to create compelling mental images?

However, it is often beneficial to create our images since we can endow them with the characteristics that will help us memorize them. A particularly effective mental illustration must have four characteristics: exaggeration, movement, unusual association, and emotional involvement.


For a mental image to be of quality it has to be exaggerated; that is, it must have dimensions and proportions that contravene the rules we are accustomed to. Suppose we want to memorize the English word foot. In that case, we can imagine a man who has one foot more significant than the other – as a child, some loved to scribble these kinds of pictures – and if, on the contrary, we want to learn the Italian word unghia, let’s imagine a woman with fingernails that brush the ground. How to forget images like that!


That which moves stimulates our attention much more than the merely static; for this reason, it is the moving images that our brain fixes more quickly and those that it retains for the longest time.

If we have to remember the Spanish word car, it is best if we imagine a moving car; or, to remember the English word stone, we can think of a stone that rolls indefinitely, that is, a rolling stone!

Imagine yourself in the situation in which the words are going to be used

It is essential to learn 6th grade spelling bee words or set phrases by knowing that they will be helpful and used. Otherwise, they will be quickly forgotten.

You may have already noticed that things that we are passionate about and that will be used shortly are more easily memorized. When learning a language, you don’t have to force yourself to learn phrases or vocabulary considered unnecessary.

Take advantage of visual and auditory memory.

When you learn a nine-word, it is good to visualize a picture, but likewise, you should listen to its pronunciation and, if possible, read the word out loud.

You thus take advantage of two different but closely linked kinds of memories. Sounds and images can be a very effective combination to fix new words in our memory.

Review a little but regularly

Similarly, it is as sterile to study ten hours a day as once a month because the best way to learn is to distribute the time regularly over the same period, dedicating, for example, 20 minutes a day to review what you have learned.

Regular review is one of the secrets to long-term memorization. 

Divide the words

Another exciting and effective way is to divide the structure of a word or a phrase to memorize it better. Thus, when we have to remember a phone number or credit card digits, it will be easier for us to divide and group them by small groups of numbers.

Also, and similarly, we can divide the words to remember them more easily. In English, for example, to place the term tablecloth, which means tablecloth, it is advised to divide the word into two parts: on the one hand, table, which means table, and on the other, cloth, which means fabric; and in this way, we deduce the meaning of the word: the fabric that is put on the table, that is, tablecloth!

To learn new words, one can also take help at spellquiz.com

Conclusion: If you want to improve your spelling mistakes, then the best idea is to learn them using some simple tricks.  

Zaraki Kenpachi