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Ready for a Fresh Start? 5 Signs It’s Time to Move

Every year, 13% of Americans decide they need a fresh start. There are various reasons for it, and sometimes, it’s not an easy decision.

It can come with moving away from a house you’ve been attached to for a long time or out of an area you’ve grown comfortable with.

Sometimes, it’s even hard to tell if it’s time to move at all or if you need to quash your restlessness.

So, how do you know for sure? Check out these signs that it’s time to change your environment.

1. You Can’t Afford Where You Are

Almost 10 million adults in the US aren’t caught up on rent. It happens. You fall on hard times or change jobs and can’t afford the place you once could.

This, however, is a sure sign it’s time to move. There’s no point in struggling when you could downsize and live more comfortably with more disposable income.

Do some calculations and be honest with yourself to decide if it’s time to go. Moving costs can be intimidating, but they may end up saving you money if you’re paying a lot now.

2. You’ve Outgrown the Situation

There are many situations that you may outgrow. It could be time for a change if you live with your parents and need privacy, or live with roommates but want your own space.

There are many times someone will simply outgrow a situation. There’s no need to feel guilty about it, and you should find a place that suits you better as you are now.

3. Too Many Bad Memories

There may be too many bad memories in your current place. Some people undergo traumatic incidents or break-ups in their own homes that they can’t quite shake because they’re always reminded of what happened.

It doesn’t matter if the memories are from something truly traumatic or some inconveniences you can’t forget.

If your home is constantly reminding you of those memories, pack up, click for the best movers, and get out of there.

4. Weather Concerns

Another reason for changing homes across a larger distance is weather concerns.

Many people have different weather preferences. You might be a cold-weather person who lives in the south or someone who loves the heat but lives in the north.

Weather is a perfectly valid reason that it’s time for a change. If you don’t like the weather where you are and have the ability to change that, find somewhere that suits you better.

5. Family and Friends Living Elsewhere

If you aren’t close to any of your family and friends in a geographical sense, you might want to move closer to them.

Living alone can be lonely — worse still if you don’t have anyone located conveniently close by to hang out with on a regular basis.

Video calling is never a true replacement for the real thing.

You Know You Need a Fresh Start

The most obvious of moving signs? You just know you need a fresh start.

Ask yourself if you really like where you are and be honest. If you’ve decided that you’ve outgrown it or just don’t like it anymore, then there’s no shame in seeking out somewhere new.

You deserve to be happy and comfortable in your environment. If you have the ability and you want to move, then move!

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Zaraki Kenpachi