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A Guide to Self Love for Young Women

There are so many media messages in our society that make young women feel like they are not good enough. Boosting your self-esteem and increasing your self-worth in our media dominant culture is indeed possible, and learning to love you is priceless. Practising these simple tips can help you navigate your world with peace of mind, happiness and confidence.

Setting boundaries

Learn to say “no.” when we know how to set clear boundaries; we are available to let people know what will and will not be allowed. Communicating your boundaries helps others understand that you are someone worthy of respect. Do not think that the boundaries that you set up are rude to other people. These boundaries are factors that make you feel more in control of your life. Sometimes we need to say “no” to others to say “yes” to ourselves. Boundaries are about honouring your integrity and for your peace of mind.

Practicing self care

Celebrate self-care. It is absolutely imperative to begin to carve out time for yourself and to treat your body and mind. This is the opportunity to focus on enjoying the things you like and love.

Celebrating goals

Celebrate your dreams and goals. When you bury your dreams, you bury yourself. Ambition helps us become more focused individual. So, wake up and face your goals now! What you desire to become is indeed possible if you have the courage and focus on pursuing it. You deserve to live your desires just like the rt of the people in your life.

Putting yourself first

Honour your feelings. “buried feelings are still buried alive. ” just because you bury your feelings does not mean they will go away. Your feelings are very important, and the people around you should honour them. Yes, even you should! The best way to get through difficult emotions is to own them, feel them and get support. Your emotional process is yours and should be respected by others. Find someone you trust and allow them to support you through them.

Most women end up buying gifts for their spouses, families, friends, etc. Every other person seems to come before you do. This is an area you need to work on. Next time, while you are getting customized gifts for him, do not hesitate to buy something that catches your attention yourself.

Spotting the positivity

Lift up and exalt your positive attributes. Where do you shine? We are sure you have areas in your life where you shine. Some talents that you may not be exploring at this moment. Wherever it is, take joy and pride in that goodness and share it everywhere you can. Be vocal about your expectations. Make it your mission to find time to give yourself praise for your talents.

One of the best ways to embrace your talents is by spotting the things you are good at and nourishing them to the fullest.

Celebrating yourself

Celebrate and honour your values! Values are traits or qualities that are considered worthwhile. In others words, your motivation and things that are important to you. Some values that some of us have are achievement, friendships, advancement and promotion, growth, pleasure, adventure, having a family, power and authority and affection (love and caring). What is important to you? Knowing your values will help you communicate who you are to others, especially those you love.

The most important thing to do while accepting and nourishing your individuality is to take proper care of yourself. This extends to the motivation and devotion that you portray in your daily life to keep yourself well.

Zaraki Kenpachi