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How can you improve your hair health, even dye and coloured hair care

Improving hair health is not that much easier to get. But you can get that by following some easy tips and routine. Every type of hair need proper care. Even if you have dyed or coloured your hair, in that case caring hair is more important. Otherwise, your hair will get damaged soon. If your hair is already not in good condition, it is high time to boost your hair care. In this article, you will learn about some adequate information and tips for proper hair care. Do you want to improve your hair health? Then read the article carefully and change your outlook!

1. Wash your hair daily:

Hair mainly becomes unhealthy because of not washing them every day. Everyone has to go outside for different reasons. Maybe you have to go out for your job, school or sometimes shopping. But dust and pollution outside can easily damage your healthy hair. So after coming back home try to wash your hair as soon as possible. Use the best shampoo that matches your hair condition. But don’t wash your hair every day more than twice. Check “DHT” to know more!

2. Give proper nutrition:

Only washing your hair doesn’t let your hair shine properly. Washing hair can protect your hair from damage from outside. But if your hair doesn’t get proper nutrition and food inside, there is no reason to be healthy. That’s why you have to eat many vegetables, fruits and water as your daily meal. Junk food and cold drinks are harmful; you should avoid them as much as possible. Different kinds of oil, like coconut, olive oil and mixed hair oil, can fasten hair growth.

3. Protect dyed hair from heat:

When you dye your hair, it also makes the hair less healthy and “can hair dye cause hair loss”. In this period, your hair needs more care and protection. Sometimes for straightening hair or curling, girls use machines that produce heat. This extra heat is dreadful for dyed hair. Extra use of those curlers or straightener, your hair fall can increase. For dyed hairs, ordinary shampoos are not that much helpful. So you have to pick the right shampoo and other products. And it is better to condition or deep condition your hair regularly.

4. Avoid the sun:

For any kind of hair- normal or dyed, the sun is like an enemy for hair. The more you will protect them from the sunrays, the better your hair remain. If you are going outside, keep a hat or scarf with you. Put that on your head when the sun gives extra heat. Again you should notice one thing. The hair also gets damaged from UV rays. And the ray comes from the sun. When the sun is not so red, but UV rays can come from it. So, it would help if you avoided daylight. Never stand up outside or bright day for long. If there is no way, put your hat or scarf on.


Healthy hair can change your outlook. It can make you prettier and happier. Dull and damaged hair also can damage your personality. Because it doesn’t matter how expensive and well- designing the dress you wear, when somebody looks at your face, and the eyes will go on the dull hair, there needs nothing to make a wrong impression. So it is real-time to think about it and take proper care of your hair. Follow the easy tips you have got earlier. They are not so hard to maintain, but you have to do them regularly. The small effort will come back with a massive benefit within some days.

Zaraki Kenpachi