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How Can an Intranet Help with Internal Communication?

A user-friendly intranet may be one of the great communication tools for improving employee engagement and supporting successful workplace communication. It’s critical to understand two things to get the most out of your intranet: what your goals are and how your intranet can help you achieve them. You’ll be on your way once you’ve identified these.

One of the key aims of the company intranet for many organisations is to improve internal communication using an enterprise communication software. Intranets began as simple bulletin boards with document sharing capabilities. However, modern intranets, particularly those created with SharePoint, provide a plethora of options. 

Here are some ideas on how companies might increase internal communication by utilising these communication tools called the intranet: 

  • Make it a social occasion

Facebook and other social media platforms are popular because they provide a strong and straightforward way to communicate with people. Many businesses are increasingly utilising the potential of social media by establishing a sociable, engaging atmosphere on their intranet.

A social intranet, like Facebook, makes it simple to share information with individuals, teams and departments, or the entire corporation. Indeed, several companies have completely abandoned internal email in favour of a social, collaborative intranet.

  • Make use of a Wiki

Wikipedia is much more than a website. It’s a method of arranging and storing information in a user-friendly manner. A Wiki’s strength is that anybody can modify the information, allowing it to be maintained up to date at all times.

This is a powerful and efficient method of disseminating information across the business and collaborating within teams, ensuring that everyone has access to the most up-to-date information at all times.

  • Multi-directional communication should be made easier.

In the past, information tended to flow only downwards in a hierarchical structure. As a result, employees rarely have the opportunity to speak with C-Suite leaders, and as a result, a lot of valuable feedback is missed. However, an intranet with a high user engagement rate can help with this by allowing employees to comment on content written by others in the firm.

This is an excellent technique to promote communication and ensure that employees’ voices are heard using the employee intranet portal. Having this multi-directional communication tool is extremely beneficial for both employees and managers. 

  • Live Stats and Success Metrics should be posted.

“How are we doing?” is the most crucial question in any firm. Frequently, this question is only answered once a quarter or even once a year. Companies can use a modern intranet to make current business statistics, such as sales numbers and client comments, visible to everyone in the company.

  • Make the switch to mobile.

Previously, the company intranet could only be accessed from a company computer. However, hardly everyone works from a desk in the workplace these days. They must have remote access to the intranet and may even need to view it on a smartphone or tablet.

As a result, employers will face increased pressure to provide this type of mobile support, especially if the intranet includes critical self-service functions. If your intranet does not handle mobile devices securely, it may be time to upgrade.

Businesses might suffer disastrous consequences as a result of poor communication. Businesses lose productivity, people become alienated, and projects fail at an alarming rate without good workplace communication. A user-friendly intranet is a great method to boost staff engagement and stimulate communication.

It will also improve business culture by allowing employees to get the information they need when they need it and in the manner that best suits them – making it extremely perfect as a major communication tool in the workplace. 

Zaraki Kenpachi