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Best Way To Lose Belly Fat: Exercise And Healthy Food

How to lose belly fat is one of the most frequently asked questions today, and the cause is an unhealthy or sedentary lifestyle. Because the stomach fat is very deep, in the skin of the body can cause many diseases, such as heart disease, increase cholesterol level and diabetes, and Then, belly fat not only causes vision problems but also functional problems. Here are some simple tips on how to lose belly fat.

Drink a lot of water

It is recommended that you need at least 8 glasses of water a day. Most of us do not take this amount every day. You can lose belly fat if you drink a lot of water. you can start by taking two cups of water before each meal, if you can do so, you will lose approximately 7 kg in just 12 weeks. Two cans of soda will give you 270 calories; You can avoid those extra calories by replacing your sweet drinks with water. In addition, water will help you stay hydrated. Sugar-free green tea is also a good option and can even increase your fat loss method, especially if you drink it before going to work.


Exercise plays an important role in the loss of belly fat. In general, you will exercise to help burn excess belly fat. However, you need strength and strength training to get your total body fat percentage. You do not need a personal trainer to train your health in a health club.

Strength training plays an important role in fat burning. Your body burns thicker every time you have more muscle mass and less fat accumulates. Remember often that muscles dictate metabolism. Other activities or any exercise such as walking, swimming, running, walking, gardening or cleaning the house will also help you lose belly fat.

Also, see: Exercises to get rid of belly fat at home

Get Enough Sleep

According to the research, people who sleep only 6 hours a day or less earn 2 kg more than people who sleep for 8 hours. You have a 27% higher risk of becoming obese when you are a light sleeper. Lack of sleep incites the desire to eat more food. When you sleep enough you will be able to normalize some hormones.

Proper diet and nutrition

Proper nutrition can help you lose belly fat fast. Unhealthy foods and sweet products simply gain weight and, in most cases, go directly to the stomach. Reducing the intake of junk food can cause less trans fat, and this reduces the total weight. Trans fats are mainly synthetic fats that are dangerous to health and are found in most fast food .

Increasing the consumption of fiber-rich foods increases the body’s ability to metabolize to burn large amounts of food before absorbing calories. Foods such as potatoes, oranges, and grapes, are also great for burning fat and significantly increase the rate of losing belly fat.


Finally, to get rid of belly fat, you need the best combination of strong and nutritional foods and proper daily exercise. If these elements work together, it can help you lose belly fat and get the flat stomach you’ve always dreamed of. You will also need determination and willingness to follow these exercise programs.

This article is written in collaboration with FoodFitForFun. Don’t forget to check out their informative article on ‘lean belly breakthrough review’.

Zaraki Kenpachi