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Sports Injuries Prevention Tips

Playing sports is a lot of fun, but it is common for people to get hurt when engaging in physical activities. Sports injuries mainly result from direct impact, overuse, or application of force greater than a body part can structurally withstand. Acute or chronic sports injuries require treatment since the damage could be more than you think. Fortunately, Glen Rock sports medicine addresses all sports injuries, allowing you to regain full function. Although injuries are common when playing sports, the following steps can reduce your risk of injuries and help you stay in the game.

Wear safety equipment

Safety equipment or protective gear is anything that shields you from getting hurt. There are different gears, and the one you wear depends on the sport you play. Helmets are a common gear used in various games, including softball, baseball, football, hockey, skateboarding, inline skating, and biking. They protect your head from injuries that could result from falls or direct impact.

Wear the right helmet for your sport; for instance, do not wear your hockey helmet when playing football. Your helmet should be the correct size; ensure it fits snuggly but comfortably. If it has straps, like a bike helmet, fasten them for extra support.

Some sports require mouthguards, eye protection, protective cups, and elbow, wrist, and knee guards. You also want to ensure you wear proper shoes; sports like softball, baseball, and football require cleats. These shoes have unique plastic points or rubber on the soles for extra grip when you turn around. Discuss with your coach the gear you need for your sport, and wear it whenever you are practicing or playing.

Warm up before playing

Source: acefitness.org

It is never the right idea to bolt onto the field and start playing without warming up. Even stretching requires you to be a little warmed up. Therefore, start slowly and build gradually. For example, walk first and build up to jogging to get loosened up and ready to play.

Understand the rules of the game

Source: goldfieldsphysio.com.au

Fewer injuries happen when players know and abide by the game’s rules. Game rules allow players to know what to expect from each other. For example, it is better and safer in soccer to go after the ball instead of the player. You know that you can’t come from behind, crash into a player’s legs and steal the ball. Understanding the play and your role is vital in sports that use plays. You can easily stay out of harm’s way by being in your rightful position.

Don’t play when injured

Source: youtube.com

It may be tempting to get back in the game even after an injury if you are a sports enthusiast. Playing when hurt before an injury is fully healed is a bad idea. It can worsen the damage, keeping you on the sideline for a long time. Inform your coaches when you are hurt and see a doctor for your injuries. Additionally, follow their advice on when to return to practice and play.

If you are an athlete and would like to know how you may benefit from sports medicine, consult your provider at Progressive Spine & Sports Medicine.

Patrick Soft